
Cliente Digital - Pipefy COnfiguration

This page explain how to configure Clientedigital/pipefy in your project.


  1. Copy file cd.pipfy-sample.ini to your configuration directory and rename as cd.pipefy.ini.

  2. set the env variable CLIENTEDIGITAL_PIPEFY_CONFIG_FILE with the path for this file.

export CLIENTEDIGITAL_PIPEFY_CONFIG_FILE='/myproject/config/cd.pipefy.ini'

Config File Content

It is a php ini file with a section [CLIENTEDIGITAL] and you can add this section to you project config file (and setup CLIENTEDIGITAL_PIPEFY_CONFIG_FILE to its path [step 2]).

You can update the configuration using the cli command ./vendor/bin/cd.pipefy --config [CONFIG NAME] [CONFIG VALUE] or edit the file directly.


# this is the pipefy graphql api URI.

# the package use a directory to save cache and and other resources.
# This is the root dir of this directory

# this is the directory used as repository for the graphql
# files(.gql files) used to

# the cache dir is used to save graphql queries result and use it
# as cache to speed up the package. You can define TTL's for each
# gql in your system.

# your service api key or Personal Access Token.

#if has default set is follow default ttl
# if not, default TTL is 0(no cache)
# if has default ttl and a gql ttl
# it follow the gql ttl.
#ttl time unit is second.

# you can set a default TTL for any query.

#or define a TTL for a specific query.
PIPEFY_CACHE_TTL.label.all = 600
PIPEFY_CACHE_TTL.card.all = 86000

The syntax of TTL configuration is:

PIPEFY_CACHE_TTL . [gql directory name] . [gql file name]

please, check graphql directory to know the all queries and mutations and also read more about gql files to know how to implement your own gqls.